Episode 61

St. Anthony Relic Reveal #13 - St. Thérèse of Lisieux


December 8th, 2020

10 mins 20 secs

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About this Episode

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the most popular and well-known saints in the Catholic Church, but how many of us have failed to go deeper, and look beyond just how she's portrayed? Many see her spoiled early childhood years, or read about her 'little way' and wrongly assume that she was a meek, timid little nun. This couldn't be further from the truth. Thérèse was bold, determined, and unafraid to embrace the splinters of the cross. In 24 years of life, she didn't found a religious order, establish any monasteries or travel the world on mission, but there is still much to learn from her life. Join Michael Gormley as he delves into the life of the Little Flower, and how we too can pursue holiness and sainthood, no matter what.

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