Episode 24
March 6th, 2019
22 mins 4 secs
About this Episode
Every Lent the Church asks three things of her members: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These are three spiritual disciplines that actually grow your faith. But often our parishioners are heard saying how they wish they had a better prayer life, or a better relationship with God, or a deeper Catholic faith – yet they do not know where to start. A few “Our Fathers” here or a Scripture reflection there – and they soon give up the effort. This year we are asking all our parishioners to join together to Give Up, Pick Up, and Offer Up the same things for Lent 2019. Through these spiritual disciplines and practices your personal faith will grow, and so will the unity of our Church community. Our prayer is that we can hold each other accountable to growing in virtue and holiness this Lenten season as parish family.
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